alex wilk

selected projects

An article that explores the affective power of the boche de leon (lion mouths) that were disseminated around the Venetian republic during Renaissance times and served as a means to collect denunciations.

Role: author.


An interdisciplinary visual culture journal that publishes articles and photo-essays that explore the relationship between images and the places they inhabit.

Role: co-founder, editor.


A publication to mark the 10-year anniversary of Archivo Platform – a research platform dedicated to photography and visual culture through editorial and curatorial activities.

Role: editor.

An introductory text and a visual timeline for a publication to mark the 10-year anniversary of Archivo Platform for photography and visual culture.

Role: co-author with Gabriela Sá.
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Archivo Papers Journal (APJ) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal, dedicated to the practice, theory and criticism of photography and lens-based media.

Role: editorial assistant for Vol 2, issues 1 & 2.

Marginal Architectures, presentation at Margins and Forgotten Places – A conference organised by the Doctoral School of the University of Verona (17-19 May 2021) – as part of the panel: ‘Anima Loci. A journal of images in places’.

Role: speaker.
Conference site

Transformations Of Nature In Art: new vocalities and the aesthetics of radical immanence, presentation at On Transversality – a conference organised by TECHNE students at the University of Roehamptonas part of the panel: ‘Non Human Worldings’.

Role: speaker.
Conference site

The Cyborg Body in Biohacking Cultures in ‘Queer-Feminist Decolonial Ecologies’ – a critical reader for LADA (Live Art Development Agency). Published by Arts Feminism Queer.

Role: author.
Dowload pdf

The Rhetoric of Reproductive Choice in Post-Feminist Culture in ‘Disrupted: The Reproductive Health and Justice Issue’. Published by The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.

Role: author.
Dowload pdf

Architectural designer and engineer, Cecil Balmond’s monograph, Crossover
(Prestel 2013).

Role: project manager, editor.

An online journal for architectural practice Balmond Studio.

Role: project manager, editor.

A group of third-wave inclusive feminists who are working on building an independent social network.

Role: member.

Alex Wilk is an independent interdisciplinary arts researcher, designer and editor.

She is a co-founder and editor of the online visual culture journal Anima Loci (2019-present) and has recently completed a year-long research and editorial placement at Archivo Papers Journal of photography & visual culture Archivo Platform.

She opened Visiva Studio in 2014, which combines design with research and editorial projects for creative and cultural organisations and individuals. Alex began her career as a research assistant at Serpentine Galleries and then at the architectural practice Balmond Studio. She was an editor of Balmond Studio’s e-journal Thinking in Practice, leading the first seven issues, and worked with Cecil Balmond on both the editing and design of his book Crossover (Prestel, 2013).

Alex’s personal research takes visual and textual formats. She has taken part in art residency programmes, exhibitions and enjoys writing articles. Her current research explores of the cultural construction of nature and the voice from posthumanist perspectives.

She lives between London and Verona and holds a BA in Art and Visual Culture (Bristol UWE) and an MA in Cultural Studies (Goldsmiths, University of London).


May 2024: Border Crossings, Animal Hybrids, Stone Voices. Anima Loci, issue 64. (PDF download)

November 2022: Archivo 10 years: a timeline. In ‘Archivo 10 Years: 2012-2022 Commemorative Edition’. Eds. Ana Catarina Pinho, Alexandra Wilk, Gabriela Sá. An introductory text for a publication to mark the 10-year anniversary of Archivo Platform for photography and visual culture. Co-authored with Gabriela Sá.

August 2020: The Cyborg Body in Biohacking Cultures. In ‘Queer-Feminist Decolonial Ecologies’. Eds. Diana Georgiou, Katie Goss & Sofia Vranou. A critical reader for LADA (Live Art Development Agency). Published by Arts Feminism Queer on the occasion of the festival Ecofutures: Queer, feminist and decolonial responses to ecological and environmental changes (March – April 2019).

Feb 2020: The Rhetoric of Reproductive Choice in Post-Feminist Culture in ‘Disrupted: The Reproductive Health and Justice Issue’. Ed. Katie Washington. A journal published by The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.